BET Awards Recap

Below is my recap of the BET Awards. I wanted to try live blogging where I write down my thoughts/reaction of the show as it is being shown on TV. Overall, I think that this year's show was good - a diverse range of artists and commentary - laughter and seriousness. I was fairly entertained watching it. So here is it:

Kanye's free style in the opening = <3...He looks emotional and his words, as always, vulnerable (His vulnerability is why I fell in love with his music and him being a musical genius is what has kept me a fan).
Kanye - his acceptance speech: honest. Admits that he doesn't get it right whether he wins or looses. #Real
I also love the friendship he shares with Jay Z. Seeming opposites counteract each others weaknesses. (As much as I love Jay, he often appears cold and distant; Kanye softens him and allows him to be honest).

Chris Brown should not have won best male R&B. period. When did Chris resume singing R&B? (And his performance was underwhelming although he is an amazing dancer)

The mix of Gospel and Rap 
Every rapper thanks God for their award
A friend on facebook just posted this: "RP: WilllFerrell: "The BET awards is the only place where you can curse, rap, sing, twerk, scream, and praise god all in the same place." #Truth

That little boy from Mindless behavior's reference to Lauren Hill's tax evasion is a low blow. Sit down son!

D'Angelo's performance is amazing! He is jamming on stage. I absolutely love it!

Kevin Hart's comparison of Jay and Talib to him and Samuel Jackson is -_- #shotsfired #truth

 Wale's flow will always be superb - he has a lyricism of his own.

MMG's performance as a whole is sub-par. At least perform your hits!

Seeing all the "familiar faces" on the show.

Main takeaways from the show (especially from Frankie Beverly, Yolanda Adams, Rev. Al Sharpton): do what you have always been meant to do. Do what is in your heart. Set a good example. Do not let people or the world deter you from being a good person.

KimYe (kanye and Kim) whispering to one another and laughing together almost everytime the camera is on them. There is something obviously natural about their relationship.

Don't Sleep - TJ Holmes on Politics, Pop Culture and Issues that matter to the Black Community - Coming in October. #cannotwait

Jay vs. Bey: Video of the year award
Jay just clowned Kanye...
Jay has the most awkward hand gestures

Django unchanged: Kunta has evolved - Trailer seems interesting. Definitely a movie to see.

#Vote like your life depends on it.

Al Sharpton's Life Time Achievement speech reminds me of Chris Rock's speech in Head of State. I do not know why but I just watched the movie earlier today and Rock's counter argument to the Vice President's mantra of God Bless America and No Place Else with God Bless America and Every where else resonated with me.

Monica kills her part of the Whitney's tribute! Her range is amazing. Brandy does well too. Whitney's brother's performance make me emotional. And her mother! My goodness, Absolutely moving! (the screen shots of Soldier boy crying mad it all the more so and Kanye's facial expression...Literally, everyone is crying).

Samuel Jackson's acknowledgement of the issue of homophobia in Uganda.

Who is Mindless behavior though? I do not understand why they won the viewer's choice award.

Where is J Cole? I am so glad that Party won the best video director award. YES! And I just did some research on Party, produced by Mr. West and company, samples 1985 rap song "La Di Da Di". I listened to the song and literally, every line in the song has been sampled by at least one rap song that I know. #toknowingtheoriginal

ALAN FERGUSON! Is that really Solange's man? He called her the love of his life, that she is a woman who will hold you down. Wow. That is a good man.


Again, I enjoyed the show.


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