About Me

Blogging was an aspiration my friends and I shared for some time in college but never had the time to pursue. With some free time after graduating college and a nudge from one of my favorite professors, I decided to finally give blogging a try. Now five months into blogging, I have grown extremely fond of it. I would have never imagined feeling this deeply and intensely for the activity. For the most part, blogging has been enthralling, therapeutic, and eye opening.

The tabs above will link you to some topics of interest to me. If I had to describe or provide a synopsis of the kind of writing I do or that I post on here, I would say that my/other writings I post generally tackle the dialogue/struggle on and between popular culture, freedom/equality, love, and radical revolutionary thought; specifically the negotiation of these ideologies for a generation, I believe, grew up with conflicting views about almost everything. I am especially keen on how public/global policy/discourse interacts with lived experience - where there is dissonance, congruity, contradiction...

One of my favorite quotes reads,

"O you who carry knowledge around with you; are you only carrying it around with you? For surely knowledge belongs to who ever knows and then acts accordingly, so his action corresponds to his knowledge. There will be a people who will carry knowledge around with them, but it will not pass beyond their shoulders. Their inner most thoughts will contradict what they display in public, and their actions will contradict what they know." - Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib

I believe that ultimately knowledge, and especially music and poetry, are better shared. Although I aspire to be in academia one day, I have never been in favor of abstract/distant learning. I put a premium on discourse about people's lives - however difficult and despite and perhaps because of the contradictions and compromises we all live with each day. I truly invite you to join me in this exploration through sharing, commenting, and submitting your own writing.

Thank you for reading,


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