When I realized that I did not know how to calculate compound interest...

When I realized that I did needed to know how to calculate compounded interest post college and that I did not know/remember how to do so even as an Economics major (b/c it was not stressed as important)...

And when I realized that all of the jobs I am applying to ask for proficiency in MS Excel, Outlook, Access, or other programs such as Raiser's Edge but that I had not once used it in anything at all in college or prior....

I remembered the quote below by Tupac.

Don't get me wrong, I love learning most things - abstract, theory, or otherwise. But if schools truyly aim to prepare the next generation of global citizens, we need to instruct them on how to perform basic administrative tasks, have financial literacy - ie. investment, home ownership, etc  - especially for students in minority groups. One can make an argument here about how the lack there of is a deliberate act to keep the tools of power in the hands of those in power. But I am not even trying to get too deep into it...

I have an elaborate plan on how I am going to integrate functional tools in my classroom as a professor. I am scheming.

Anyway, the Pac quote:

School is really important: Reading, writing, arithmetic. But what they tend to do is teach you reading, writing, arithmetic…then teach you reading, writing, arithmetic again. Then again, then again, just making it harder and harder just to keep you busy. And that’s where I think they messed up. There should be a class on drugs. There should be a class on sex education. No, REAL sex education class, not just pictures and illogical terms…There should be a class on scams, there should be a class on religious cults, there should be a class on police brutality, there should be a class on apartheid, there should be a class on racism in America, there should be a class on why people are hungry, but there not, their class is on…gym….Their class is like Algebra. we have yet to go a store and said, “Can I have X Y + 2 and give me my Y change back, thank you.” You know?…Like foreign languages. I think that they are important, but I don’t think it should be required. Actually, they should be teaching you English, and then teach you how to understand double talk, politician’s double talk. Not teaching you how to understand French and Spanish and GERMAN. When am I going to Germany? I can’t afford to pay my rent in America! How am I going to Germany?

—Tupac, Age 17 On the Topic of Education, 1988.


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