Swerve: Videos online I really like

I am still trying to figure out exactly what I want this blog to be with respect to both its content and aesthetics. If you visited this site previously, you can tell that I changed the layout. As I get "my feet wet" in the blogosphere in the next month or so, there will be constant changes to the blog as I try to figure out what this place for Huey is and feels like - the feel is very important for me. What I know for sure at the moment is that for the next month or so, there will be constant writing (a post a day) and constant change.

The really cool thing about blogging, for me, is that it allows you to think about what you want to share with people on a particular day and then share it. Facebook no longer allows you to that. I really do not know what people do on facebook anymore; at least I do not know what I really do on there. I am moving towards sharing what I want to share on this blog instead of facebook. That aside, social media as a whole fascinates me and I want to do a post very soon on why social media and why blogging now. I think that social media provides people with the unique opportunity to create their own stories and have it matter, something which was unheard of for the average man (ie. non celebrity) before blogs, tumblr, facebook, twitter, youtube, etc. It is really interesting to see what people respond to and do not respond to and when/how it falls into the larger context of things/social fabric and when/how things stand on their own. At this point, I can create a course on facebook and write a guide on social networking principles (which will most likely be awkwardly funny). In fact, I will probably do this as I move forward with my academic pursuits. 

 So to the videos: some things/ideas/topics which I had been thinking about at some point during the day and at some point thought to explore and share today were: 1. Kanye West's music/videos and social commentary (I have been listening to Watch the Throne and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy a lot these past two days) 2. Gwyneth Paltrow and Ninjas in Paris 3. These streets and body politics. 4. Explain the origins of this blog name. But I saw this first video (see below) on TV about 30 minutes ago and I have since decided that I will share some of the cool things I have come across online in the last month. These are videos/things I have wanted to share with people but have not found the outlet to do so until this blog. I will probably do a compilation every so often on things like this because going back to these videos has been pretty entertaining. These are the top 7 for the month: Enjoy!

 1. "Harvard baseball call me maybe cover" - hilarious video. I don't know how the one guy in the back slept the entire time.

2. "How to get a contract in Nigeria" - a social commentary on race in Nigeria (can be applied to other countries in Africa); funny but true.
2. Bing now has a social search feature. I just found out about this via a video on youtube and I think that it is pretty cool to see what your friends have said on facebook about/related to your search. 

3.  "Stereotypes: What color is your music" - The question itself is not particularly interesting to me but the host is soo hipster and cute. Plus he said, "Harvard Pea coat Negro" hahaha. 

    4. London Based poet Suli breaks on colorism in 
the Black community. His accent alone is dope.

5. Google glasses project video and accompanying parody. The concept is interesting and I should have thought of making the parody below.

6. "Awkward Black Girl Season 2 Trailer" - Pharrell makes a guest appearance in the trailer. This show is one of my favorite web shows. So excited for Season 2!

7. "Idris Elba Best Story Ever" - Idris = Stringer Bell in the Wire & Luther in Luther

Last but not the least, this is not a video but it is by far the most powerful article I have read tonight. Take a read: 


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